I AM Thankful for The Divine, This Life and The Universe. I AM Thankful for my Family. I AM Thankful for all of the beautiful souls in my life. * ALL OF YOU! I AM Thankful for the many blessings in this life. I AM Thankful for my active awareness. I AM Thankful for all that I AM. I AM Thankful for all of the life lessons I learned. I AM Thankful for being in complete and total alignment. Light, Love and Infinite Blessings to all of YOU!
Level One – The Physical Body
Red in the spectrum, physically dense in form, temporal in duration. In the labyrinth it is the outermost circle. In the mandala it is the foundation upon which the other levels are constructed. In this life the physical surroundings support and nurture its growth. Note: Existence is holographic. Every color, every level, contains every other, and the juxtaposition of seven colors on seven levels and according to eight possible arrangements creates an infinite variety of visual effects which could even be called illusions. Level Two – The Etheric Body Orange in the rainbow spectrum, of a finer vibrational substance, only somewhat less temporal than its physical replica. In the development of the personali ty its reference is to the early emotional environment and formative influences. Note: Healing techniques such as Reiki and acupuncture recognize the interconnection between the physical and its energy pattern, here called the etheric. Level Three – The Astral Body Yellow in the spectrum, sometimes called the lower mental level, transitional and limited in endurance, a non-physical vehicle in which consciousness can move inter-dimensionally. Its formative influences are a given culture’s secular, religious and educational institutions and how these shape the way we think. Note: Physics is closing in on metaphysics as in laboratory experiments molecules are being transported ala Startrek. Level Four – The Mental Body Green in the spectrum, interfacing the temporal and the eternal, a transitional energy body that enables transformation. In this life its purposes are achieved in relationship with others. Note: Christianity according to Joseph Campbell is a fourth chakra religion. God is in Christ reconciling the human and the divine. Level Five – The Causal Body Blue in the spectrum, sometimes called the transpersonal, it’s energy field is the repository of the soul’s enduring memories, influences and progress. Its nature is volitional and its function is to empower the soul’s journey. Note: This level is attuned to the inner voice of spirit. When Jesus spoke of having ears to hear he referred to this level of consciousness. It is how one knows one’s own truth. Level Six – The Diamond Body Indigo in the spectrum, eternal in reality, the level of Brahmic or Christ Consciousness. This is Aurobindo’s supra-mental field where thinking is superseded by an intuitionally received knowing. Note: The step between five and six is from the transpersonal to the eternal. It is a conscious awareness Paul called “the mind of Christ.” Level Seven – The Celestial Body Violet in the spectrum, visionary in function, this is the energy field in which the Self and the All are eternally One. Note: Awakening to the Christ realization that “I and the Father are one,” is the goal of the soul’s the journey through and beyond physical life. Full embodied your IAM presence on Earth. Eternal Gratitude, Love and Healing to and for all sacred hearts on earth and throughout all of creation Angelique M. Larson - Global Ambassador or Light |