Do you have Fibromyalgia? Diagnosed or Undiagnosed? I lived with severe chronic pain for over a decade. It started out as a traumatic injury, compacted with deep emotional scars that eventually turned into Fibro over three years ago. In January I was introduced to Access Consciousness The Bars. And I have been 100% pain FREE every since. My unique holistic approach and Access Consciousness The Bars has made this possible! I have my life back! Below is information on this very real condition that is affecting million of people. If you have tired everything and you are willing to try something different give me a call! I know what it's like to live with pain daily and and the scrutiny and judgement that follows. From the outside you appear to be just fine. But what no one see is the chronic pain, depression and the inability to get out of bed. And sometimes not even being able to walk because the pain is so bad! There is help from someone who has a caring heart. While I can not guarantee your results will be the same. I can share with you my journey and what has worked for me. And help you along your path to wellness. Fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. It is a condition that results in chronic widespread pain and tenderness all over. Here’s exactly what that means: “Chronic” means that the pain lasts a long time—at least 3 months. Many people experience fibromyalgia pain for years before being diagnosed. “Widespread” means that it is all over the body. However, many people with fibromyalgia feel their pain in specific areas of their body, such as the lower back and neck. “Tenderness” means that even a small amount of pressure can cause a lot of pain. Experiencing the results I have this year with Access Consciousness, has ignited a passion to help those who are suffering emotionally or physically. There is hope! Not only am I a Certified Access Consciousness The Bars Practitioner. I also teach this technique to certify others to offer this amazing modality to their family members and to start your own practice for the public. As a certified Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner you can also charge and offer this service to others. While creating new possibilities for yourself. How does it get any better than that?! For a list of certification classes or to host an event in your city. Contact me for details. Eternal Gratitude and Love to and for All. Angelique M. Larson - Global Ambassador of Light
Energy has a frequency vibration. The higher the frequency you embody the less illness and disease you will experience. The more at peace you will feel with all that is. There are several ways to elevate your energetic frequency. 1. Get plenty of sleep Sleep is essential to a good healthy life style. When we are well rested our energy frequency is elevated and we have clarity of thought. While we sleep the body repairs itself. Without adequate sleep we feel unbalanced and out of sorts. Eight to ten hours is vital for wellness. 2. Exercise Oxygenates the body and allows energy to flow through the body with ease. Reduces stress and is very much like meditation bridging the mind and body as one. Aids in detoxification and elevates your frequency! 3. Drink Clean Water Clean drinking water removes toxins and hydrates the body which allows energy to flow freely. It important to make sure drinking water is free from toxic chemicals. To ensure you are getting adequate amounts of water daily take your total weight and divide it by 2 and convert what is left to oz. This is your daily water intake goal for proper hydration. 4. Eat Organic Fruits and Vegetables Organic fruits and vegetables nourishes the body without toxic insult. Which fuels the body to a healthy state of being. And increases energetic frequency. Adding a quality green mix to your daily diet is also beneficial. Chlorella and spirulina will assist in giving you dense green nutrition and aid in detoxification of the pineal glad. 5. Meditation/Positive Thinking Meditation quiets the mind, reduces blood pressure and improves sleep. And aids in the ability to handle the stress of every day life. Beneficial for getting in touch with your spirituality. And positively changes and enhances your energetic frequency. 6. Listening to Music Listening to positive uplifting music is relaxing and changes the frequency of the body. I have posted a couple of my favorite videos to the right to enhance the bodies frequency. Sleep or meditate with these frequencies playing. These Solfeggio frequencies make up the sacred Solfeggio scale: UT -- 396 Hz Intent: turning grief into joy, liberating guilt & fear This frequency liberates the energy and has beneficial effects on feelings of guilt. It cleanses the feeling of guilt, which often represents one of the basic obstacles to realization, enabling achievement of goals in the most direct way. The 'Ut' tone releases you from the feeling of guilt and fear by bringing down the defense mechanisms. 396 Hz frequency searches out hidden blockages, subconscious negative beliefs, and ideas that have led to your present situations. RE -- 417 Hz Intent: undoing situations and facilitating change The next main tone from the Solfeggio scale produces energy to bring about change. This frequency cleanses traumatic experiences and clears destructive influences of past events. When speaking of cellular processes, tone 'Re' encourages the cell and its functions in an optimal way. 417 Hz frequency puts you in touch with an inexhaustible source of energy that allows you to change your life. MI -- 528 Hz Intent: transformation and miracles (DNA repair) Tone 'Mi' is used to return human DNA to its original, perfect state. This frequency brings transformation and miracles into your life. The process of DNA reparation is followed by beneficial effects -- increased amount of life energy, clarity of mind, awareness, awakened or activated creativity, ecstatic states like deep inner peace, dance and celebration. Tone 'Mi' activates your imagination, intention and intuition to operate for your highest and best purpose. FA -- 639 Hz Intent: re-connecting and balancing, relationships Another frequency from the sacred Solfeggio scale. It enables creation of harmonious community and harmonious interpersonal relationships. Tone 'Fa' can be used for dealing with relationships problems -- those in family, between partners, friends or social problems. When talking about cellular processes, 639 Hz frequency can be used to encourage the cell to communicate with its environment. This ancient Solfeggio frequency enhances communication, understanding, tolerance and love. SOL -- 741 Hz Intent: solving problems, expressions/solutions It cleans the cell ("Solve polluti") from the toxins. Frequent use of 741 Hz leads to a healthier, simpler life, and also to changes in diet towards foods which are not poisoned by various kinds of toxins. Tone 'Sol' cleans the cell from different kinds of electromagnetic radiations. Another application of this sound frequency is solving problems of any nature. The fifth frequency of the Solfeggio scale will also lead you into the power of self-expression, which results in a pure and stable life. 7. Do something for yourself! Have your Access Consciousness Bars Ran, Give and Receive Reiki or Get a Massage! Having your Access Consciousness Bars ran releases energetic blockages that are holding you back in all areas of your life. Reiki helps to balance the chakras and releases energetic blockages. Massage is an energetic process as well. By having a massage emotions and energies that get trapped in the tissues and muscles are released. All of these different modalities aid in relaxation mind, body and soul. And greatly shift your energy, to positive states of being. 8. Aroma Touch Aroma Touch is a wonderful technique that is a clinical approach to essential oil application. The oils since they come from nature, raise your energetic frequency. To schedule a treatment session contact me below. Infinite Gratitude, Love and Healing to all, Angelique M. Larson 20 Benefits of Meditation
Love is all there is. Play as often as required raise your frequency! Infinite Gratitude, Love and Healing to all, Angelique M. Larson There are defining moments of silence when we feel a great shift in our being. When all time space and dimensions are one and there is great clarity. Of what was, what is and what will be. Reflection and peace with all that has been. Heaviness transmuted to lightness. Some ask how do you do what you do? It is from great pain of trauma and emotional scars, that I have chosen to dig deep. To learn about what is, who I am in all facets, it takes work to face your truth, heaviness and lightness. Its a journey that can truly be whatever you create it to be. Are you willing to dig deep? To feel your heart break and rise above it all. To push yourself after you have lost it all, over and over again. And still love with an open heart and see the true essence of those you encounter? Loving unconditionally without judgement.
Judge me by my past if you will, but I am not that person anymore. I am continually evolving and changing, choosing to create the best version of me, for no one else but me. And I will continue to learn all that I can to be of service. To those who are willing to take the steps to making great positive change within themselves. It is a choice. One must decide for themselves if they are willing to dig deep to the inner depths of the soul. And embody their true divine essence of all that is. The journey a head is challenging based on what we have been taught to believe. Think for yourself and find the truth is within in YOU. It always has been. You are LOVE and only LOVE. I am here by choice in service of those who need me. Choose to release what no longer serves your highest good. This can be done with complete and total ease, when you choose. You're not alone, I am here should you require assistance. Infinite Gratitude, Love and Healing to all, Angelique M. Larson |