Are you ready to shine and illuminate your sacred cosmic heart though activations and digging deep to do your soul work so you can and assist humanity in the World?
The time is now, and if you have found yourself reading these words on this page.
Welcome, I have been waiting for you...
Click on the links to choose what resonates with you. I look forward to connecting with you soon, to discuss the expansive possibilities. Immense gratitude for having the courage to answer the call. I will be here for you and with you every step of the way. Even after you soar! Eternal Love and Gratitude, Thank you, for Being!
Angelique M. Larson - Celestial Divine Coach
Coaching, Multidimensional Healing, and Certifications in 2024-2025
Energy healing classes and certification workshops, for personal self development for you, and and your Loved Ones. As well as starting a professional practice should you choose this path. Click on the class and workshops below for full class details and to register for our events!