Opening of the 11th Gate - Unification in the Purity of LOVE and ONENESS
Beloved Earth Family, On Sunday, October 22nd there was a Monad individual and collective merging and anchoring of the 11th Dimension into the inner pyramid within the center of GAIA. The ascension process is all about shifting from the ego and merging the sacred heart canter and embodying Christ Consciousness within. The concept of ego death is an illusion, for one never loses or gets rid of the ego completely. Awakening fully to Christ consciousness within is when the ego is not working against you. It is the mergence with the purity of the heart, that the ego becomes your allay, no longer working against you. Many spiritual guides have been unjustly projected onto regarding the ego. From those being triggered from unresolved shadow aspects within, by the purity of the LIGHT flowing through these guides. Creating the lessons of separation that their souls chose to learn for their growth and evolution. As one awakens and SEES the truth of what has been. And the inner knowing that separation is and always has been an illusion, Love and unity is restored. The intergalactic Counsel and 5 of the Great Illumined Ascended Masters St. Germain, Merlin, Paul Vancian with the White Purity Flame of Freedom Assisting you in fully stepping into your Mastery, Lord Vosloo Hight Priest of Atlantis, and El Morya the Manu brough in the keys and codes of the Golden Age and full activation of the 12 strains of DNA within all of humanity. You can call these beings in to merge with you. The 12 Archangels came in to assist in creating a sphere of light around everyone on GAIA., if you call them in daily, they will be with you daily, transforming all areas of your life. Every chakra contains cosmic codes, and they are unlocked with the purity of LOVE. Yesterday, these Cosmic Codes were unlocked not activated with the corresponding keys. To assist with your individual monad which holds your divine blueprint. The initation is to connect with Lyra, to connect with the Unicorns and the white divine truth of the Divine Feminine. Everything that is creating separation within us all, will dissolve within to restore unity consciousness. Through unifying the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within you. You will feel the liberation within you and within each other. The Divine Marrage within will restore unity conscisouness within and in your reality. GAIA is the Solar Plexus of the Milky Way Galaxy. The white golden energy coming up from within GAIA assisted all of humanity in merging with their Monad and their higher self. Your monad is your divine blueprint. Golden white frequency elevated the human collective up to the 11th dimension frequency. When this frequency is brought up from GAIA it allows us to merge our monad. The Dragons of Earth, Air, Water and Fire came in swirling and clearing the lower density energies within and around all of humanity and GAIA. Millions of Dragons and St Germain brought in a Golden Violet Tunnel of light bringing humanity into harmony and clarity. Merlin came in blazing his electric blue fire touching everyone activating magic to be used for the highest and greatest good only, by all. Paul Venetian brought in the pure white flame of freedom over everyone to set you free, to stand in your power as a master. Lord Voosloo who carries the keys and codes to jump shift into the golden era, placed the golden flame into all sacred hearts. El Moya the manu who carries the 5D frequencies with the 12 strand DNA codes, connected and activated. If you give the Ascended Masters permission to step in and merge with you. They will give you all of the light codes, so you can integrate them in this sacred now. Just as you have energy centers, your chakra, so do the planets. The codes were accessed and unlocked to transform humanity and GAIA. Elevating all to the higher dimensions of 5D to 11D for the first time ever on a collective level on GAIA! 12 Archangels stepped in to activate 5D frequencies within all. Forming a sphere of Light. Archangel Michael stepped in on the right bringing in high dimensional frequencies of TRUTH, INTEGRITY, COURAGE, and STRENGTH. Archangel Uriel stepped in one the left with yellow golden light activating GRATITUDE, POWER WITH WISDOM and SELFLESSNESS. Archangel Gabriel in front in Pure dazzling Light. Activating PURITY INTO YOUR EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL, and SPIRITUAL BODIES, and awakens upper 5D qualities of BALANCE, JOY, and ONENESS. Arcangel Raphael in the back brining in glorious Emerald Green Light, activated the back of the 3rd EYE ACTIVATING YOUR 5th Dimensional HEALTH BLUEPRINT and AWAKENING ABUNDANCE CONSCIOUSNESS, ENLIGHTENMENT and VISION. Archangel Sandalphon below, brough in shimmering silver light below connecting you deep into earth, awakening your highest potential or this life. Archangel Chamuel entered the heart center brining in beautiful pink light, AWAKENING LOVE, COMPASION, KINDNESS, AND CARING. Archangel Jophiel brought in pale yellow light activated the crown with COSMIC UNDERSTANDING, COSMIC WISDOM. Archangel Kristel in shimmering white awakening PEACE, SERENITY and HARMLESSNESS and opened the gates to the Angelic Kingdom. Above that Archangel Murielbrough in THE MAGNIFICENT MAGENTA PINK. And brough in all aspects of your soul and merged them, awakening all of your souls’ GIFT, TALENTS, LEARNING and WISDOM for use in this lifetime. Archangel Metatron poured in his blazing orange golden light and illuminates all of these higher qualities that have been awakened. Visualize all of these Angels with the Wonderous Angel Mary as she places her blue light all round this ball of light that is surrounding you. So, you only attract LOVE and GOOD into your life. And Archangel Botargo who is in charge of the flow of the universe, places his dazzling white light all around your ball of light, so your life flows, and he now watches over you. You are now assisted and watched over by the 12 archangels. The more you call them in and work with them they now become a part of your aura. The Golden Light Codes from Atlantis and Lemuria were brought into the physical body at the cellular molecular level. Pathways of pure love were sent to the cosmic chakras for monad merging within and collectively. COSMIC LIGHT CODES UNLOCKED – COSMIC Illumination NEPTUNE AND THE ASPECT TOUT LAY – THE CODES WERE UNLOCKED AS GOLDEN LIGHT Illuminating codes from Golden Atlantis and Lemuria. THE COSMIC BASE CHAKRA Of SATURN the Ascended Aspect of KISHI – In glorious Platinum unlocking DIVINE ORDER AND BALANCE releasing the LIGHT. THE COSMIC SACREL CHAKRA – SIRIUS the Ascended Aspect of LEKUME’ Pale silver and pink is the highest frequency of Christ Light required to move into the GOLDEN FURTURE. Awakening codes of sacred geometry and Christ light at a deep cellular level. THE COSMIC NAVEL CHAKRA THE SUN – GLORIOUS BRIGHT ORANGE OF THE DIVINE MASCULINE CODES OF HAPPINESS WERE ACTIVATED ORANGE LIGHT AWAKENING CODES OF THE DIVINE MASCULINE WITHIN ALL ACTIVATING THE WISDOM, LEADERSHIP WITH INTEGRITY, USING YOUR POWER FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD, PROTECTING THE VULNERABLE. THE COSMIC SOLAR PLEXUS OF EARTH – 11th Dimension HELIOS UNLOCKING THE KEYS AND CODES OF ALL YOU CAN BE IN THIS LIFE, AT THE CELLULAR LEVEL. THESE LIGHT CODES WERE ANCHORED FROM HELIOS. OUR TASK IS TO VISUALIZE ANCHORING THIS GOLDEN ORANGE LIGHT CODES FROM HELIOS ANCHORING INTO THE GREAT PYRAMID INTO HOLLOW EARTH TO BE ESTABLISHED THERE. THERE WERE THROUSANDS OF DRAGONS AND UNICORNS THAT GATHERED ASSISTING WITH THIS PROCESS. THE COSMIC HEART OF VENUS – PURE WHITE COSMIC LOVE – PINK WHITE HEART OF COSMIC LOVE CODES WERE UNLOCKED FLOWING INTO THE CELLULAR STRUCTURE OF ALL OF HUMANITY AWAKING ALL TO THE PURE PINK WHITE COSMIC LOVE ACCESSING AN EVEN HIGHER DIMENSION SENDING A PATHWAY OF PURE LOVE TO ANDORMEDIA. IN 11TH DIMENSIONAL VIOLET LIGHT PURE LOVE, PEACE AND WISDOM SET FREE THE CODES. A PERFECT BALANCE OF LOVE, PEACE AND WISDOM WAS SHOWERED DOWN ONTO HUMANITY TOUCHING EVERYONE AT A DEEP INNER LEVEL ALL AROUND THE WORLD. FROM THE HIGHER HEART OF THE UNIVERSE. VIOLET PINK LIGHT ANCHORING INTO THE GREAT PYRAMID IN THE CENTER OF HOLLOW EARTH, BECOMING ESTABLISHED THERE. THE COSMIC THROAT CHAKRA MERCURY AND ITS ASCEND ASPECT TELEPANY SHADES OF LIGHT BLUE, GOLD, SILVER, AND VIOLET THE CODES OF HIGHER COMMUNICATION TELEPATHIC. COMMUNICATIONS WITH TREES, PLANTS, ANIMAL, BIRDS AND WITHIN ALL SACRED WATERS, COMMUICATION WITH HUMANS FROM ALL NATIONS ALL SENTIENT BEINGS ON GAIA AND THROUGH OUT THE COSMOS. THE COSMIC THIRD EYE – JUPETER AND ITS ASCENDED ASPECT JOMBEY WAVES OF GREEN AND SILVER KEYS OF PERSONAL AND PLANNETARY AUBUNDANCE FOR ALL OF HUMANITY. BRINGING ABUNDANCE CONSCISOUNESS FOR ALL, PERSONAL EXPANSION AND COSMIC EXPANSION FOR ALL. THE COSMIC CROWN CHAKRA, WAVES OF LIME GREEN AND SILVER FLOWED IN UNLOCKING THE KEYS AND CODES OF TRANSCENDENT TRANSFORMATION TO PREPARE ALL FOR THEIR MONADIC MERGE. OPENING YOU UP TO LIMITLESS POSSIBILIITES. TRANSCENDENT THE CAUSUL CHAKRA, THE MOON TO UNOCK THE CODES TO THE DIVINE FEMININE ARE HELD HERE. THE DIVINE FEMINE CODES OF WHITE SILVER LIGHT FLOWED INTO EVERYONE ACTIVATING EVERY CELL DROPPLETS FROM THE OCEAN OF LYRA FORMED UNICORNS THAT SHOWERED THE EARTH RECONNECTING AND MERGING EVERYONE WITH THEIR BELOVED UNICORN RELEASING 11TH DIMENSIONAL CODES FROM LYRA ANCHORING THE 11TH DIMENSIONAL PURE WHITE LIGHT OF THE UNICORNS THE COSMIC SOUL STAR ORION UNLOCKING THE CODES OF COSMIC WISDOM – THIS IS WHERE ONE SEES ALL PERSPECTIVES OF A SITUATION AND TAKE ACTIONS FOR THE HIGHEST WISDOM AND GREATEST GOOD OF ALL, THE LIGHT CODES ACTIVTING THIS COSMIS WISDOM WITHIN. THE 12TH CHAKRA IS THE STELLAR GATEWAY, MARS AND ITS ASCENDED ASPECT NIGELI THE STELLAR GATE WAY OF THIS UNIVERSE. WAVES OF GOLDEN WHITE LIGHT CONTANING EVERYTHING YOU NEED YOUR FOR YOUR MONADIC MERGE. THIS PROCESS SENT WAVES OF GOLDEN WHITE LIGHT THROUGH THE SACRED WATERS OF GAIA THROUGH THE TREE ROOTS ELEVATING GAIA TO HER RIGHTFUL PLACE WITHIN THE UNIVERSE. LIGHT CODES OF GOLDEN WHITE POWER THROUGH THE UNIVERSE, THROUGHOUT THE COSMOS. HUMAITY IS FULLY ELEVATED AND LIBERATED AS A COLLECTIVE INTO THE 11TH DIMENSION WITH GAIA. BREATHE INTO YOUR SACERD HEART AND CHOOSE TO RECEIVE AND FULLY INTEGRATE WITH THIS HIGHER VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY, IN THIS SACRED NOW. STREAMS OF COSMIC LIGHT CODES CAME IN FROM THE UNIVERSE INTO EACH SPHERE THAT SURROUNDS EACH INDIVIDUAL ON EARTH. GOLDEN WHITE ORBS AROUND EACH SENTIENT BEING ON EARTH. MERGING YOUR INDIVIDUAL MONAD. YOU ARE HOME YOU ARE BLESSED. YOU BELONG. YOU ARE LOVED AND YOU ARE LOVE. ALL OF THE MONADS MERGED GATHERED AND MERGED AS ONE. COLLECTIVELY ALL OF HUMANITY ELEVATED INTO 12D. SEREPHIS BEY BROUGHT IN THE PURITY FLAME OF ATLANTIS, THE WHITE FLAME WAS BROUGHT IN FLOWING THROUGH HER AND ALL AROUND HER, AS THE ENTIRE PLANET LIT UP, UPLIFTING ALL DENSITIES RESTORING PEACE, HARMONY, AND LOVE ALL AROUND OUR BELOVED GAIA. ETERNAL GRATITUDE AND LOVE TO ALL OF THE 88 HIGH PRIESTESSES AND PRIESTS ON THE PLANET AND LIGHT WORKERS WHO WERE GUIDED TO ASSIST WITH ANCHORING THE PURITY FLAME FOR HUMANITY. LIBERATION AND FREEDOM RESTORED! Angelique M. Larson, Archangel Metatron and The Inner Galactic Counsil