Angelique M. Larson
New Earth Leader & Community Director Dr Div, CMHt, Holistic Health Practitioner, Quantum Reiki Master Facilitator, Quantum NLP Coach Divine 18 Rays of Creation Anchor for Humanity
Source Soul Guide to the Angelic Realm Shamballa Facilitator And Intergalactic Star Nation Light Code Activator |
Welcome Family of Light...
Are you ready to align to the truth of your BEING?
Are you ready to remember the truth of who you are and tune into the true essence of You? Angelique holds sacred space to guide you through the process of awakening your inner remembrance, of the truth of your being. She transmits light codes through her voice, The diamond light codes and rose heart line frequencies to establish a new lineage of light and love and a blossoming of the feminine christ structure and muti-universal light frequencies for New Earth. Are you ready to align to the truth of your BEING? Are you ready to remember the truth of who you are and tune into the true essence of You? Angelique is a Born Indigo Magenta Ray of 5D Christ Consciousness. She holds sacred space to guide you through the process of awakening your inner remembrance, of the truth of your being. She transmits light codes through her voice, The diamond light codes and rose heart line frequencies to establish a new lineage of light and love and a blossoming of the feminine christ structure and muti-universal light frequencies for New Earth. Through these transmissions of love and light frequencies, Mother Arch Initiator 🙏💞Aqua Marine Founder Ray ✨Celestial Divine Alchemist of Pure Love, returns to a state of harmonious resonance and profound peace within. Allowing the body to begin the self healing process. Illuminating the sacred heart and accelerating homeostasis so the body can begin to heal itself. Angelique is a soul guide, an intuitive, transformational spiritual coach and facilitator. She has bridged worlds offering her personal experiences and several healing modalities and techniques. For personal development, soul reconnection, expansion of consciousness and transformation. And will skillfully and lovingly guide you or your group to whole levels of authenticity, love, and the true wonder of your life and purpose through remembrance. She focuses on natural healing techniques that promote the body's innate ability to heal itself. Assisting her clients to feel empowered to overcome their programming, conditioning, and traumas so that they can realize the greatness that lies within themselves. As a lifelong learner she continues to expand her consciousness to share the sacred knowledge she receives with all who are open to receive. It is her passion to assist you in ending internal suffering by witnessing, and holding sacred space in pure peaceful presence. And sharing practical tools for deepening ones daily spiritual practice. So you can design the grand design of your life. |
The outer world is a reflection of the inner world. To change the world...
One must begin within oneself, with the flowering of the heart. When we begin to accept ourselves exactly as we are, experiencing the full content of each sacred moment without conflict or resistance, and join together around the world with others whose hearts are flowering, the Light of Eternal Love will flood the Earth!"
OUR MISSION is to raise human consciousness and bring about the flowering of the heart with love and compassion in as many people and as quickly as possible, through a powerful transmission of spiritual energy and light that flows directly from the divine source. It belongs to no tradition, hierarchy or belief system. We call this gift the Flowering Heart Blessing (Sanskrit: Hridaya Vikasa Diksha). I welcome you to your Sacred Diamond Heart Self! 🤗💎
Professional Experience/ Education
Dr. of Divinity & Metaphysical Sciences
and Spiritual Counselor Modesto, CA since 2008 & 2010/International Ordained 2020 Sacramento, CA Reiki Certifications - From J. Kembel. RMT, MA., PhD.
Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho Practitioner I & II, III, Master Teacher - 2008-2015 Angelic Reiki I & II, III & IV Practitioner/Professional Practitioner 2009-2013
Angelic Reiki Master Teacher 2013 Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho Practitioner/Master Teacher 2008-2012
Lineage Mikao Usui Dr. Chujiro Hayashi Hawayo Takata Beth Grey Coleen Conard J. Kembel RMT, MA., PhD. Angelique M. Larson H.H.P., CMH, DD I have studied with six Usui Reiki Master Teachers 2008-2021 Q-Rak® Master Level - 2010 Kundalini Reiki Master - 2015 Quantum Reiki I, II, III & Master Teacher
2020-2021 Holistic Health Adviser - HLI 2014
Certified Spirit Guide Coach/Deborah King - 2014 Holistic Health Practitioner HLI - 2014-2015 Ayurveda, Reflexology and Cellular Detoxification, Iridology, Herbology, Nutrition, Aromatherapy, Energy Medicine and Usui Reiki Health and Wellness Educator Massage Therapist HLI - CAMTC Certified 2015 (1000 Hrs.) 2015 Holistic Life Institute Eastern, Western Massage, Craniosacral Therapy (CST), Aroma Touch Technique Certification - DoTerra 2015 Essential Oils for Health & Wellness Uusui Reiki Master Practitioner 2015 Access Consciousness Access Bars Practitioner 2015 Energetic Facelift Practitioner 2019 Access Bars Facilitator 2015-2021 Colorado University, Professional Business Communication 2018 - 2010 Transpersonal Psychology Study and Research - Sedona University 2017-2021 Certified Laughter Yoga Facilitator - London 2019 Shamanistic Studies 2019 - Private Mentor Spiritual Counselor, London - 2020 Sacred Activations Practitioner - 2021 |
Community Outreach
Reiki Team Volunteer - St. Joseph's Hospital - Stockton, CA. 2011-2013 Volunteered providing Reiki services to the Oncology department weekly to patients and staff. As well as participated in KMBS quarterly providing Reiki Services to attendees during workshops and Community events for The Cancer Foundation. Hospitals and Clinics that offer Reiki Services. As well as ongoing aid to serve families in need.
Professional Counselor Diploma - 2019 London Certified NLP Coach - 2015-2019 Certified Clinical Master Hypnotherapist/ Advanced Past Life Regression (LBL) Therapy - 2019 London Dr. K. E. Wells Training Academy - CTAA Accredited Complementary Therapists Accredited Association Stress Management Confidence & Self-Esteem Anxiety & Phobia Relief Age Regression - Childhood Healing Pain Management Advanced Past Life Regression/Time Line Full Integration DNA Healing through Regression Healing The Genetic Lines The Karmic Wheel Soul Groups Karma Body Selection LBL Sessions - Life Between Lives Soul Specialties The Soul Group Life & Body Star-Seed - Life on other Planets These can be mental, emotional and or physical |
I Angelique M. Larson, sincerely have your best intentions at heart. It is always my intention that each of the services, classes and workshops will manifest positivity and loving energy into your life, your mind, your body and your spirit.
The services, classes and workshops are a compliment to other therapies and support our overall well being.
The services, classes and workshops I provide should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. The information contained herein is metaphysical in nature and does not claim to heal or cure, and should not be considered as a substitute for conventional medicine.
Whilst it is widely believed that the services and content of classes one may experience healing, either physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, this does not guarantee that you will experience or benefit from any such services.
There is a level of personal commitment to ones own personal development and growth. And if one does not choose to apply what is learned in the workshops into their daily lives. I do no in any way assume responsability for, what one does not choose for their own lives. I offer ongoing support to all who take my workshops and classes. Under the consideration of mutual respect. I uphold professional respect and conduct for all I work with. And if courtesy, common decency and respect is not reciprocated, I reserve the right to discontinue service without a refund and end our professional relationship.
Please note, this material is not intended to provide you with any specific health or well-being advice. It only expresses the opinions of the author & should be used as a guide only. For medical advice please consult a licensed health care professional, your primary care physican or psychologist.
Note: Due to the instant energy shifting and healing received from the nature of the work Angelique offers; there are no refunds for sessions, classes or workshops. All of the workshops and sessions come from pure heart intention for the highest and greatest good of all only. And the love and high vibrations are felt, which will begin the process within of one working through their shadow. Coaching is available throughout the process for those who are open and willing to receive, in a way that is mutually respectful.