Cosmic Divine Spark of Creation - 5 Day Workshop
This magical workshop is the foundation for life and exactly what we need right NOW
Happiness is the unconditional meeting of life as it is;
not the struggle to understand and accept the external of our reality.
Peace is an attitude not a state of being.
Freedom is the getting close, not running away.
Heaven is Love that is here NOW.
Why do this workshop?
I believe that we are meant to live our ‘ordinary’ daily lives with Grace, beauty and peace.
The Shamballa energy is the grounding power and essential foundation of living life in peace and harmony.
It will ground and empower everything you do.
Unconditional Love when surrendered to, opinions disappear, and freedom is found.
Three main aspects
Unveiling heaven on earth - Through acceptance of all that is; in forgiveness, non-judgment, in love, harmony, and unity with all that is.
No more confusion and end to miss-information.
Clear explanation and actual experience of each of the 13 dimensions through 13 meditations and 13 Attunements/Light Code Activations.
Meet and work with your Galactic Family. The Pharos ‘talked’ with their Star brother and sisters. This workshop is an opportunity to meet and work with your own Galactic Family through an attunement by the Galactic Being Mahasmahatman.
Enlightenment and Ascension is the apparent process of reversing the illusion of separation and restoring Oneness with all that is throughout all of Creation.
We have been sold the idea that we are not good enough and need to heal or improve.
You are divinely perfect now!
Do you really believe this?
LOVE: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is the key to seeing this.
This is the gift of Shamballa and the peace you will feel within.
LOVE is freedom
For all of those seeking self-knowledge these initiations truly sever our connections to attachments. It brings a deep Esoteric understanding of the nature of dimensional reality is also attained. Discussion of each of the 13 Dimensions; what they are and the characteristic of each one. And a Clearing and Activation for each Dimension as well as a deep profound heart healing and expansion. As your remembrance of your Star Lineage is awakening within.
Day 1
Channeled Message from the Pleiadian High Council
- The 1st dimension of gravity is the pull to the still small point
- The 2nd dimension of the Devic and the Elemental Kingdom
- The 3rd dimension is the materialization of Divine design and Geometries
- Clearings for 1D, 2D, and 3D from the Subconscious Mind, Cellular Memory, DNA, and RNA to Accelerate Your Ascension and Expand Your Consciousness
- Through this process, you will experience toxins released from the body from anything you have consumed that no longer resonate with the physical body. From foods, medications, health & beauty products, and environmental toxins.
Day 2
- The 4th dimension of the emotional body and gateway to spiritual wisdom
- Clearings for 4D from the Subconscious Mind, Cellular Memory, DNA, and RNA to Accelerate Your Ascension and Expand Your Consciousness
- The 5th dimension of mind and this creative potential through love, overlighted by Pleiadian Consciousness
- The 6th dimension held by Sirian Consciousness of the Divine Archetypes - Sacred Geometry Healing and Activation
- Deep Profound Heart Healing and Activation and Healing from the Pleiadian High Council of Light for deeper connection of self-love for oneself and love for all beings throughout all of creation - Healing Several Layers Deep
Day 3
- The 7th dimension of the sound of the spheres generated by our Galactic Cycles
- The 8th dimension of the Language of Light
- Light Language - Love and Light of Oneness Activation
- The 9th dimension of the eternal Samadhi
- Galactic Crystal Skull Meditation and Activation with The Cosmic Sister and Brotherhood of The Divine Spark of Creation
Day 4
- The 10th dimension of the knowledge of the Divine Self
- The 11th dimension of the Information Highways of Light
- The 12th dimension and the Becoming of Oneness
Day 5
- The 13th dimension of completion and New Beginnings
- There are many gifts that become apparent once a participant has attended New Shamballa and integrated the principles into their life which can take up to 12 months to be fully integrated. This means you will continue to benefit from this workshop for over a year's time. And I AM always available for mentoring and support as a spiritual guide.
- Discussion about the Dimensions beyond the 13th up through the 27th
- Clearings from the Subconscious Mind, Cellular Memory, DNA, and RNA to Accelerate Your Ascension and Expand Your Consciousness
- Learn how to Channel
- We also take a deep divine into Grounding Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually.
- How to read to Access and Read the Akashic Records for yourself and others, including Animals (As a BONUS)
- Completely Unified in Love & ONENESS of All That Is
For all those seeking self-knowledge and initiations in this workshop sever connections in consciousness to our attachments. Indeed there is seen to be no self.
This is a 5-day course that will take you on a journey of self-discovery and the ability to be in alignment with everything around you, free from the judgment of self, and others in the purity of love fully embodied.
This is the gift that comes to you by being attuned to the 13 Dimensions.
You will receive 3 activations per day, the first two days are profound energy clearing. And as we progress through the workshop your light body's frequency will elevate in LIGHT vibration as we merge with the higher realms of Love and Light. Deepening the Love you feel in your heart and expanding your consciousness.
Facilitated by: Angelique M. Larson as guided by Source, Metatron, All of the Ascended Masters, Melchizedek, Djwhal Khul, The Angelic Kingdom of Light, and The Sister and Brotherhood of The Divine Spark of Creation. The Ascended Masters and Higher Dimensional Beings of Light will be present throughout the entire 5-day experience.
To express interest in upcoming workshops email: [email protected]
It is truly an honor to host and offer this workshop. Eternal Gratitude and Love to All who choose to join me for this Cosmic Divine Adventure.
Angelique Larson