Advanced Energy Healer Mentorship to become a certified Quantum Reiki Master Practitioner or A Cosmic Divine Light Master Teacher, NLP Practitioner/Coach & Multidimensional Healer
Are you ready to heal on the deepest level? Do you feel powerless in the midst of environmental destruction and social injustice? Join us for our level I Earth Healers Course, This class will introduce you to the energetic nature of the human body, Earth, and universe. You will learn practical tools to shift your life and relationships. In addition to personal tools for healing, you will learn how your unconscious energy and the dense energy of your unresolved trauma, as well as of humanity's unresolved pain, affects the entire planet. By bringing these aspects to consciousness, you can heal your life and utilize tools to shift the energetic matrix of the entire planet. These teachings come from ancient wisdom, earth processes, and universal energies aligned with love and choice. If you are interested in being a pioneer on the cutting edge of reality weaving a new life that you will love living then this workshop will greatly benefit you.
New Earth Healers Course Launching, Monday, September 9th we meet every Monday at 11:00AM PST for all of November & December 2024 & January 2025 Catapult Your Ascension, for YOU!!!
Location: Remotely 1 Hour via Zoom
Note: This does NOT include the Cosmic Divine Light Master Teacher Course
If you are interested in the accelerated Master Teacher Course this is available in a 1:1 mentoring package.
Join our 3 month accelerated mentorship/internship to give you support, guidance, and advanced skills to be competent offering your healing gifts in the world. This program was designed and created at the request of many student graduates who wanted continued support, guidance, to learn new valuable tools, and also be able to navigate the often tricky landscape of a beginning healer. This programs offers 3 - 90 minute group meetings per month. Each person enrolled in this course will receive a monthly private 90 minute session. It is necessary to receive at least monthly clearing if you work on others and also continue your own growth and healing.
Every person that we work on is unique and because we work at multi dimensional levels it can be challenging for a new practitioner to discern what they are seeing/experiencing in a client session or how to handle different challenges or situations that appear as you work on more individuals. Angelique offers her 20 years as a healing practitioner to guide and support students in safely and effectively changing the lives of their clients and in contributing to healing humanity and with that Mother Earth. All Workshops Facilitated by: Angelique M. Larson
Option 1 - LEVEL I $333 (December Special $88 for the 3 Day Workshop December 6th, 7th and 8th) Choose The Earth Healers Course 1 Month with Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioner Certification 3 Day Workshop via Zoom Next Start Date for our 3 Day Workshop is Friday, November 8th, Saturday, November 9th & Sunday, November 10th Click Here for Workshop Details Option 2 - LEVEL II $444 Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioner, 3 & 4 Master Practitioner 3 Day Workshop via Zoom Click Here for Workshop Details Option 3 - LEVEL III Regularly $2,500 Bundle Tuition discount offer below $1,111 Shamballa Quantum Multidimensional Healer Certification Course 5 Day Alignment, Activation and Integration Click here for Workshop Details