For eons of time humanity was manipulated and controlled by lower vibrational entities who served as a catalyst for ones souls growth and spiritual evolution. Much pain and suffering has been experienced by all of humanity through this process of lack of awareness. That has kept many in the grips of addictions to substances and life styles that are no longer in resonance with the new earth vibration of 5D and above.
As humanity becomes more conscious and individuals choose to do their inner shadow work, these lower densities are cleared within providing soul liberation. If you are in the gips of addictions of any kind, alcohol, recreational drugs, pharmaceuticals, over eating, sexual addiction, technology addiction, shopping addiction etc. Assistance is here for you if you are truly ready to liberate yourself as a sovereign being. I was guided to create recording to assist with the removal of addictions. It will require a commitment to you personal path and full healing of you as a being. I invite you to purchase the MP3 to receive the instant download. Additional coaching and mentoring sessions are available; quantum nlp and cellular detoxification as well well as quantum reiki healing.
We will be taking a deep dive into the signs of entity attachments. What the characteristics are; why they attach, how to clear them and what lifestyle choices keep them coming back and creating havoc in your life! If you would like to dynamically clear and stay cleared! As well as and learn how to assist your loved ones and the collective. You will learn how to clear yourself, your home and negative portals should this be your soul path. I have been working on the path as a soul guide assisting beautiful souls with restoring balance within. As they choose to love themselves and align to their higher self and their soul's purpose.
We have a class this Saturday, August 31st at 1:11PM - 5:30PM PST via Zoom Note: Sometimes class does run later based on the energies that come up for clearing within the group
3 Entity Extraction Techniques
Plus Quantum NLP - Subconscious Mind and Cellular Memory Clearing - This is a potent multidimensional clearing
Clarity of Mind, Heart and Soul
Releasing Addictions
Releasing Physical Pain
Healing on Many Levels
How to Clear Your Body
Closing Open Portals within the Physical Body
Clearing Your Aura
Clearing Your Home
Guiding Family Members in Clearing
Assisting the Public with Energy Clearing
The Importance of Chakra Balancing
Facilitation of a Modern-Day Exorcism
Additional Resources
Course Tuition: Reg. $1500 Summer Tuition for August 31st 2024 $555 Next Class is Sunday, August 25th via Zoom at 1:00 PM - 5:33 PM PST Note: Private Class 1:1 Full Tuition, send Angelique a message to schedule 2 monthly Payments of $277.50 Due on the 1st or 15th of Each month